Why wear fake nails on your feet? What precautions should be taken? In this blog, your expert nail supplier Maryton will explain everything to you.
False nails on the feet: the reasons to give in to temptation
Some women don’t dare to show them and it is not easy to maintain them yourself. However, it is possible to put false nails in gel or resin on the nails of your little feet. In addition, toenails can be soft, brittle or even very short. The application of a gel or a resin is therefore an excellent way to reconstruct a toenail and thus help it to grow. There is no perfect time to put on false nails on your feet. Nevertheless, the most favorable period remains the summer, because a pretty pair of open sandals enhances the feet. Fall and winter are not the ideal seasons because false nails can get caught in the sock or shoe.
Some precautions to take before applying false nails on the feet
The first step before applying false nails on the feet is to prepare them. Thus, you take a moment for yourself, to relax. In addition, you risk snagging them and injuring yourself. False nails should also be short if you decide to do a pose on your feet at any time other than summer. Finally, to avoid any risk of infection or mycosis, it is not recommended to apply false nails yourself.
We hope you enjoy this article! In addition to these, I advise you to invest in a complete pedicure kit! To help you in your choice, I invite you to visit our website.
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