10 Questions about nails Part 2

6 – Does stress have negative consequences on nail quality?

True: Stress disrupts nail growth, scientifically called onychogenesis. Indeed, the nails grow thanks to the divisions of the cells, called onychocytes, present at the base of the nail (part called the matrix).

To divide, these cells draw nutrients from the surrounding bloodstream which is very dense at the fingertip. However, under the effect of stress, blood circulation at this level is reduced.

As a result, the cells are less well nourished and the nail grows less quickly. It is less thick and therefore more fragile.

Stress also affects the behavior of people who will, for some, start biting their nails. This is called onychophagia.

7 – Does diet affect the nails?

True: A dietary imbalance or deficiencies can slow down the growth of nails and/or make them soft or brittle. This is what is observed, for example, in the case of anorexia. Conversely, a varied and balanced diet will help to have strong nails and whose growth is fast.

Thus, it is necessary to favor foods rich in proteins (necessary for the construction of keratin) and mineral salts, such as zinc, copper (which would stimulate the growth of nails) or iron and magnesium. Several vitamins also have a beneficial effect on the nails: vitamin A, vitamin B5, vitamin B8 and vitamin E.

8 – Do fingernails really grow faster than toenails?

True: It is easy to notice, fingernails grow faster than those of toes. Their growth rate is even double: 3.5 mm per month for the fingers and only 1.6 mm per month for the toes.

But other factors affect nail growth. Nail growth slows down with age, for example. Or sex, men have nails that grow faster than those of women (which would be due to a hormonal action).

9 – Do nails have a use other than aesthetics?

True: Without realizing it at first, nails have many roles. For example, they make it easier to grasp small objects at your fingertips.

They also have a tactile role and protection of the fingertips in case of shock. And in everyday life, they become a superb toolbox for: scratching, screwing, scratching… In some situations, they also serve as a defense by scratching.

10 – Are manicure treatments bad for nails?

True and False: Like everything else, it should not be abused. It is necessary to spare poses between the different treatments. Naturally the nail is not waterproof, it allows the tissues located below to carry out exchanges with the outside: elimination of water, respiratory gases. It must therefore not be permanently covered with varnishes or prostheses.

In addition, the products used in manicure, which are not the most neutral, attack and can weaken the structure of the nail. Polishing techniques also affect the nail. Because, each time, its thickness is reduced and it will not be compensated by any renewal (apart from the fact that it grows continuously but slowly).

We recommend that you use the adequate manicure and pedicure set to take care of your nails before applying any kind of decoration.  

Read also: Castor oil for nails: benefits, application

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